Stories of Impact
Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement
Confessions of a (Sort of) Data Convert
Converge Heartland Missions Project Coordinator Dave Moore shares how MissionInsite has helped him as a pastor and can benefit you and your leaders as well.
Getting Unstuck in Your Prayer Life
Praying God’s word is the key to overcoming arrested prayer development. God’s word is full of riches that enable you to pray with greater depth, insight, hope, confidence, and joy. Director of Prayer First Dana Olson shares how to pray with echoes of Nehemiah’s prayer.
Four Reasons to Start a Residency Program
Converge Heartland Church Catalyst Chase Hill speaks with Jim Hayes, Lead Pastor at The Fount Church in Kansas City, about their residency program (they call it “apprenticeship”) and why it’s baked into their DNA as a church.
Ministering Relief
The storm that ripped through Elkhorn, NE, was categorized as an EF-3 tornado. Its 165-mph winds leveled neighborhoods and uprooted hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. Heights Church and Converge Heartland are in a prime position to lead and join the long haul of relief work.
Finishing Well
Converge Heartland Regional President Jim Capaldo shares his gratitude for those in this district, as well as his desire to finish well as his second term of service comes to an end. What’s next for Jim and Kari Capaldo? Read more to find out.
Meet the Residents: Trevor Bittner of Center Baptist Church
After retiring from the Army Reserve, Trevor Bittner had the freedom to commit more time to ministry. That’s when a quick Google search led him to the Residency Program at Center Baptist Church.
RENEW 2024: A Relaxing, Refreshing Time in Lincoln
The weekend after Easter, 26 ministry couples gathered in Lincoln, NE for the annual RENEW retreat for pastors and their wives.
Easter Stories from Heartland Planters
On March 31, 2024, Christians worldwide united in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. We are proud to share stories of how our Heartland Planters, a community deeply rooted in faith and fellowship, played a significant role in bringing gospel transformation to their communities.
Outreach Beyond the Holidays
Now that the climactic Easter services are complete, what does your church’s visitor follow-up look like? Better yet, what do your church’s outreach efforts look like when it’s not a holiday? Converge Heartland wants to help your church with follow-up and outreach in two ways.
Meeting at the Well
Cody Weckerly, Converge Heartland Church Catalyst, shares a powerful story of God’s faithfulness to The Well, a Converge Heartland church in Hastings, NE.
Prayer First Gathering a Blessing to All
Pastors and leaders met at Converge Church in Omaha March 4–6 for a time of focused prayer in an atmosphere of worship and fellowship. This was a happy return to the facility in the Harvey Oaks neighborhood where the very first prayer gathering—then called “A Fire in Winter”—was held in 1992.
Ukrainians and Americans Converge in Washington, D.C., for Prayer
In the ongoing chaos of war, what an incredible blessing to witness a gathering of nearly one thousand Ukrainian, American and other national leaders, all converging in Washington, D.C., for Ukrainian Week, a focus on prayer and mutual encouragement!
Meet the Residents: Sid Fry of Ignite Church
This month, we continue our short series of articles introducing men in our Church Residency Program. Meet Sid Fry, Church Resident at Ignite Church.
Your Church’s Participation Matters!
Before this summer’s Converge Biennial Meeting at Heartland Church in Fisher’s Indiana, our movement will facilitate an electronic ratification vote for the Converge President, which carries a six-year term. This nationwide ratification vote is one of our denomination’s expressions of congregational governance, and your church’s participation matters!
From Necessity to Commitment
On February 4th, 2024, Gospel Life Church in Wichita, KS, moved into a new space. Our new space will afford GLC opportunities to reach our neighborhood for Christ; we can be the vibrant, connected and kingdom-minded church God has called us to be for our neighbors.
Meet the Residents: Caiden Capaldo of Sun Prairie Baptist Church
This month, we continue our short series of articles introducing men in our Church Residency Program. Meet Caiden Capaldo, Church Resident at Sun Prairie Baptist Church.
A Plea for the Congregational Voice in Church Polity
Converge Great Lakes Regional President Ken Nabi argues both theologically and practically for congregational rule with a representative authority by way of the elders who shepherd the church through spiritual oversight and fully implement that oversight through the staff.
Because Our Savior Lives
At the end of this month, we celebrate a precious and important holiday—the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! How does this encourage us to share the gospel? Read more to find out!
Heartland Pastor Partners with Lifeway
Lifeway has created a new position to facilitate a connection between churches and the company. The company reached out to Converge Heartland’s very own Jon Reed of The Fount Church to fill this vital role.
Shining Light in the Darkness
Thank you for your faithful support throughout 2023 of Incarcerated Ministries with Grace Teams Ministries. We ended the year with an ecumenical collaboration to raise funds and deliver approximately 4,000 Christmas Sacks full of treats to inmates in South Dakota.