Meet the Residents: Sid Fry of Ignite Church
Sid, Heather, Theodore, and Amos Fry
As we continue our introduction of Converge Heartland Church Residents, please take a moment to meet Sid Fry and his family!
Tell me what prompted you to pursue becoming a Church Resident.
After discerning a call to pursue the pastorate, I realized I had a sort of dilemma. I needed to prioritize three things at the same time: being present with my family, working full-time (preferably in ministry) and pursuing a seminary degree. Usually, you can’t have all three at once without the sacrifice of one or going through life at an unsustainably fast pace. I soon realized the residency program was exactly what I needed in my current stage of life. The leadership at Ignite Church values and takes care of their staff very well. I’m able to serve and learn as a pastor there while having seminary baked into my normal work hours. I’m so grateful for this program!
What steps did you take to become a Church Resident?
I started with a simple Google search for “pastoral residency” and found a posting on The Gospel Coalition’s website for the position at Ignite Church. I did my research on Ignite Church and connected with one of the pastors there who referred me to the pastor in charge of Ignite’s Residency Program. We went through the application process, and here we are!
Please share some ways you have grown during your time of Residency.
My time of residency has taught me hands-on what it’s like being a pastor. The biggest area of growth for me has been my time management, and, specifically, how to work efficiently at various tasks. There are only so many hours in a week, but a reality in ministry (and seminary) is that it will take all the time and effort you give it. This has been one of the biggest challenges for me, but I am learning how to designate my time and effort in a more organized way.
What have been some joys during your Church Residency?
I experience great joy simply seeing God move and work in the people at Ignite. We recently baptized a young man who is a former Muslim. He was disowned by his father, but he believes that the cost of following Christ is worth it! I’ve also been energized and challenged by the faith of a widow on our Sunday morning prayer team every week. I get to see God working in people’s lives!
What does Church Residency mean to you?
Church Residency means that I can pursue my discerned calling of becoming an equipped pastor without forsaking my first ministry to my wife and kids. Being a Church Resident will equip me for, Lord willing, a lifetime of pastoral ministry.
How has being a Church Resident impacted your family?
Accepting this residency position meant a move a couple of hours away for my family, so like any transition where you move to a new city, it has its difficulties. It’s been the most difficult on our four-year-old son, as he’s faced with a sense of loss due to the big change in his life that he has no control over. We’re grateful, though, to move to a city where my wife went to college and has family.
Chase Selcer, one of the pastors at Ignite Church, shared the elders’ hearts for why they chose to host a Church Resident.
What led your church to host a Church Resident?
At Ignite Church, we strive to advance the kingdom of God by making strong disciples. We believe there is a pressing need in our day for biblically-called and qualified pastors—those who will devote their lives to gospel ministry. We started the residency program to train men for pastoral ministry. In short, we want to make the greatest kingdom impact imaginable!
How did you prepare for hosting a Church Resident?
We prepared our congregation by sharing the vision for training pastors and sending them out to make a greater kingdom impact. We wanted to help lift their eyes beyond what God is doing in our church and out to the greater need in our region for more churches and qualified pastors.
As elders, we prepared through prayer, discerning an appropriate compensation package and making ourselves available to the resident for pastoral formation. All of our elders have an “open calendar” policy with our resident; he has a standing invitation to any meeting we hold for observation and experience.
Logistically, we put together a program overview and then a handbook, including a job description, expected hours, compensation, etc. We also formed a relationship with an evangelical seminary so our residents can work toward their master’s degree at a reasonable cost through the program duration.
What do you believe are some important qualities to look for in a Church Resident?
We find it helpful to distinguish a residency from an internship. A pastoral residency differs from an internship in that it is designed to clarify and sharpen a man’s call to ministry, not determine whether he is called. Ideal candidates for this program are men who:
Sense that full-time pastoral ministry is in their future
Aspire to the office of elder, pursuing the call and qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1
Are faithful, available, teachable and competent
What are some important qualities for a Church Resident to look for in a hosting church?
I would suggest the resident looks for baseline health and biblical faithfulness in a church. Make sure the pastors and elders are shepherds who will devote a great deal of time to training and mentoring the resident. If the resident senses a call to a specific context (i.e., rural, urban, global missions, church planting, etc.), it may benefit him to receive his training at a church that reflects that context.
How do you believe a church can help disciple a Church Resident for future ministry?
We believe it’s imperative to focus on three key areas:
Pastoral Development
Learn the essential functions of pastoral ministry
Receive mentoring from the elders
Grow in the character required of qualified elders (1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1)
Theological Education
Earn theological education, ideally in a seminary context. The education gained in the residency years will serve as a foundation for a lifetime of pastoral ministry.
Ministry Experience
Lead and shepherd in various ministries of the church
Participate in pastoral care, elder meetings, teaching and preaching, and shadowing the elders of the church in the regular rhythms of the ministry
Are you or is someone you know interested in practical ministry training while working on a formal degree? How can your church help train new leaders for God’s work? Learn more about our Residency Program here.