Stories of Impact
Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement
Prayer First
After 14 years of faithful ministry as lead pastor of Faith Baptist Fellowship in Sioux Falls, SD, Dana Olson is now the Director of Prayer First Heartland, a ministry vital to the church in these days of increasing opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So You Want to Be a Missionary…
Ever wonder how a missionary becomes a missionary? Meredith Graber of Faith Baptist Fellowship in Sioux Falls, SD, shares about her experience at the Missionary Discovery and Assessment (MD&A) with Converge International Ministries in Orlando, FL.
Road Trips: The Importance of Visiting Church Plants
Read about some of Steve Krier’s highlights during his third annual road trip through the Heartland to visit as many churches as possible in a week.
New Beginnings
As we enter a new school year, we want to recognize several new beginnings in ministries across our district.
Prayer Items from the District Overseers
The District Board of Overseers met on February 21-22 in Omaha. While the Heartland District got hit with a blizzard, the overseers worked on ministry plans to see the district intentionally advance and grow over the next three years.
Takeaways from the Bethlehem Pastors’ Conference
Steve Krier met with pastors, potential church planters, and prospective ministry residents at the annual Pastors' Conference hosted by Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis.
Consider Your Calling
Though we still have two feet of standing snow in our yard, spring is eventually coming, and so is South Dakota’s class-action lawsuit against Punxsutawney Phil! Seasons change, and transitions eventually occur regardless of our readiness or restlessness!
From the Front Lines: A Ukraine Relief Report
Thank you for your ongoing support of Ukrainian relief efforts. The following three reports from Ukrainian front-line ministries directly result from your sacrificial giving.
RESIDENCIES: Growing a New Generation of Ministers
If the Heartland population has collectively mastered one skill, it is that we know how to grow stuff. From North Dakota to Oklahoma, we grow corn, beans, hay, wheat, cotton, livestock, energy reserves, families, small businesses, and grit.
Outreach to Kansas City
Members of The Fount Church in Kansas City have exciting plans to share the good news and love of Jesus Christ with their community at regular Famer's Markets, Truth Symposiums, Campus Ministries, and Redeeming Work.
New Record
A RECORD HAS BEEN BROKEN! 2022 was the strongest giving year in Converge Heartland's history. In the face of inflation, recession, and nations at war, your generosity has powerfully shone forth! Here are some amazing generosity figures from 2022. Together with your financial gifts, we saw...
Christmas with the Incarcerated
With your generous donations, our Incarcerated Ministry Chaplains and volunteers bring hope and joy to the inmates they serve during the Christmas season.
Advancing on the Northern Front
Exciting changes are ahead for Harvest Plains Church, a Converge Heartland church plant in Casselton, ND!
January 2023 Intro Letter
Earlier this month, the South Dakota State Jackrabbits football team celebrated winning its first National Championship. My 18-year-old son, Cole, and I were eyewitnesses. The game was great, but as my son and I talked about the entire experience, what stood out the most was the beginning-to-end spirit of celebration.
The Missional Imperative of Incarnation
"As the father has sent me, even so I am sending you." John 20:21b ESV
Recruitment: The Power of Relationships and The Local Church
How did you become a church planter? How did you get connected to Converge?
People often ask me these questions. They are important questions and ones I am happy to answer. The simplest answer to this question is relationships.
Angels We Have Heard On High!
I am blessed to connect and communicate with our Ukrainian ministry partners. Sometimes the cross-cultural component of these connections can be hilarious!
From the Heartland to Ethiopia
"I want to show people the love of Christ!" Kendra told me when I asked for her vision for her ministry.
Death, Taxes, Pastors, and Your Church’s 2023 Budget
After the U.S. Constitution was completed, Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, "Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes." Death and taxes are two things that church budgets need to consider, especially when it comes to ministers.
God is Doing Great Things in our Church Plants
God is at work in our church plants. Below are God stories from our church planting pastors around the Heartland District. Please take a moment to praise God and pray for His blessing on our church plants.