School of Prayer at Dalesburg Baptist Church
Dana Olson with School of Prayer participants from Brooklyn Free Church
What better way to start the year than a time focused on learning how to pray? Dalesburg Baptist Church in Beresford, SD, hosted the inaugural Prayer First Weekend, School of Prayer. I (Dana) had the privilege of leading three sessions on Saturday and then teaching Sunday school and preaching on Sunday.
On Saturday, January 6, Pastor Darren Regher and the people of Dalesburg Baptist welcomed 25–30 people from four churches! We dove into these topics: Jumpstart Your Prayer Life, Overcoming Arrested Prayer Development, and Becoming a Praying Church.
In Sunday school on Sunday, January 7, I taught a class, Praise Prayer, and then preached Always Pray and Don’t Lose Heart. The congregation and guests enjoyed a meal together before putting what we learned into practical use during a focused prayer time.
Pastor Regher shared his thoughts about the event:
The Prayer First weekend was well received, and our congregation really learned a lot. The oldest attendee said it was the best conference on prayer he had ever experienced. He also said it was “a great success.” I would highly recommend Dana Olson and his Prayer First seminars to any church!
Caiden Capaldo, a pastoral resident at Sun Prairie Baptist Church in Salem, SD, also had positive feedback about the event:
Pastor Dana’s prayer workshop is a refreshing reminder of the sovereignty of our God, the sufficiency of his word, and the ever-present nearness of the Spirit. This workshop encouraged me towards a deeper prayer life, with a high view of God and a deeper understanding of my need for him.
I’d love to come to your church for a time of teaching about prayer and praying together! Contact me to set up a time of focused prayer at your church!