Meet the Residents: Nate Hill of Bethel Baptist Church in Brookings, SD
Nate, Kaylee, and Elliot Hill
God has provided another Church Resident for Converge Heartland! This month, we’re pleased to introduce to you Nate Hill who is serving with the leaders of Bethel Baptist Church in Brookings, SD.
Tell me a little about what prompted you to pursue becoming a Church Resident.
I have been following God’s call on my life to be a minister of the gospel for a while now, and this residency is a huge answer to prayer for the next steps in this journey!
How did you hear about Converge Heartland?
My wife and I were in college ministry at Eau Claire, WI, and attended a Converge church in the area. When we moved to Brookings, SD, we started going to Bethel Baptist Church. The natural next steps led me to look at Converge Heartland as a district for training and ministry opportunities.
Please share the steps in the process of becoming a Church Resident.
Pastor Josh told me about the Residency opportunity. My wife and I prayed about it, and I talked further with Pastor Josh before I applied. We had a couple of interviews with a team from the church before they communicated that they wanted to move forward with me in the Church Residency process.
As you’re just starting your Church Residency, what have been some challenges? What have been some joys? How do you anticipate the Lord growing you during this time?
Most of the challenges I’ve seen so far have come from the actual process of deciding to apply for this residency. I had been looking at numerous options, but ultimately, my wife and I felt the Lord asking us to stay here, so we have been so thankful for this opportunity! I’m still in the support-raising mode, but I’m excited to see how the Lord provides for my family!
What does Church Residency mean for you? How do you think being a Church Resident will impact your future?
It means that I’m on the next step of following the Lord’s leading in my life. I am being trained for what he has called me to, and I hope that it will mean equipping and clarity for what’s next.
How has being a Church Resident impacted your family?
Being in support-raising mode hasn’t impacted my family all that much yet. We’ve been in this before, and while it can be challenging, it’s also a blessing to share what the Lord has been doing and partner with his Church for gospel work.
Pastor Josh Robertson of Bethel Baptist Church shared with me how he and the elders and leaders of Center Baptist prepared to host a Church Resident.
What led your church to host a Church Resident?
Our church has a desire to “train up and send out” men into pastoral ministry. We see the program as a win for the residents, our church, and the larger church. The opportunity for a resident to continue with theological education while gaining hands-on ministry experience in a local church setting is a win for him. While we will be investing heavily in a resident, we know he will also bless us as a church with the ministry he does while he is here—a win for our church. After a resident’s time is up with us he will be better prepared to step into his next ministry position—a win for the larger church.
How did you prepare for hosting a Church Resident?
Our church desired to provide significant financial support to a resident since he must raise funding. To accomplish that goal, we implemented a three-year debt reduction campaign to free up the financial resources necessary to provide a significant part of the funds a resident raises. By God’s grace, we completed the campaign in only two years! The result of doing this hard work includes the ability to host a resident and to start two other ministry initiatives God has laid before us.
What do you believe are some important qualities to look for in a Church Resident? What are some important qualities for a Church Resident to look for in a hosting church?
In looking for a church resident, we wanted to find a man who sensed a call from God to pastoral ministry in the local church setting. We looked for someone who is teachable and eager to learn all aspects of pastoral ministry, humble, and growing in his faith.
I would encourage a potential resident to look for a church that will give him a well-rounded experience of what ministry looks like in the context of the local church. It would be important for the resident to look for a host church that is not simply looking to see what it can get from the resident but instead a church seeking to invest in the resident for his current and future ministry.
How do you believe a church can help disciple a Church Resident for future ministry?
A host church fills the vital need to provide a well-rounded picture of what ministry looks like in a local church setting. Just as important, however, the host church can give the resident relationships that will help him grow as a follower of Jesus now and in the future. As a resident continues in ministry, these early relationships continue to provide support for years to come. Residents need experience, but they also need relationships. A host church offers both important opportunities.